March 18, 2016

Judge: Dezarea Worn

Assigned: Round (round/circular either man made or found in nature)

1st- “Natural and Manmade” Marc Richardson
2nd- “Matched Pair” Jan Coffin
3rd- “Untitled SW” Sherry Wright
HM- “Tiny Bubbles” Jan Coffin
HM- “Beyond the Bridge” Rhondalee Spiros


1st – “On Top of the World” Kathy Larrabee
2nd -“Serenity” Jan Coffin
3rd – “Ear Mitten” Kathy Larrabee
HM – “Untitled 03-01” Paul Kidder
HM – “Low Tide” Tom McCarthy

Black and White

1st- “Tender” Jan Coffin
2nd- “Chess Anyone” Kathy Larrabee
3rd- “Skyline Road” Connie Bocko
HM- “Celebration” Tom McCarthy
HM- “Pointing the Way” Connie Bocko

Peoples Choice:
Tiny Bubbles” Jan Coffin
Untitled 03-04” Paul Kidder